Li Chevalier - Art and Fusion

" Event organized in the frame of the France -China 50 year diplomatic relations commemoration - www.france- "


Submarine base Contemporary Art Center - Bordeaux

17 May to 14 July 2014


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From 17 May to 14 July, the Submarine Base (Contemporary Cultural Institution of the City of Bordeaux) presents for the first time a solo exhibition by Franco-Chinese artist Li Chevalier [ Shilan ] . The exhibition traces the artist's creative journey through a selection of her works, born under the cultural confluence of east and west.

Working at the crossroad of Europe and Asia for the past two decades, li Chevalier graduated from London Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design. The American University Virginia Commonwealth University School of Art has presented a solo show of the artiste in 2004, presenting for the first time her experimental ink and wash collection. In 2007, her are been displayed at the Royal Academy of Arts in London summer exhibition, attracting the attention of Lord Michael Bichard , then President of the University of the Arts London , which is now one of artist's London collectors. Navigating between her two studios in Paris and in Beijing , li chevalier intensified her art activities both in Europe and Asia. Four major retrospective exhibitions of Li Chevalier have been presented by the National Art Museum of China (2010), the Today Art Museum in Beijing (2010), the Shanghai Art Museum (2011), the National Opera China [ 2013] .Her work became part of the permanent collection of the National Art Museum of China and the National Opera of China. Two of her major works became part of the French Embassy's art collection and are hanging presently at the reception salon of the French Residence in Beijing, next to the works of Zao Wuki, and Zhu Dequn. Her international group show took place at : Royal Academy of Arts London , Carrousel du Louvre Paris , the Grand Palais Paris, London Art Fair , Glasgow Art Fair , Northern Art Fair, Shanghai Art Fair, Beijing International Art Fair , the Doha National Art Gallery , Wuhan Art Museum, the New Vision Art Museum , Huantie Art Museum Beijing , Shangshang Art Museum Beijing , Colombia University art gallery, Korean Cultural Art Centre in Beijing, Shanghai Doland Art Musuem, Taiwan Zhongzheng art gallery.


One of the preeminent figures of a new artistic movement born in China " The new ink and wash painting " ,Li Chevalier's works reveals the essence of oriental aesthetics redeployed in a contemporary art language . In contrast with the better known Chinese contemporary art inspired by the Western pictorial tradition, notably the European surrealism and American pop art , Li Chevalier rehabilitates the nobility of Chinese ink , reflecting a strong cultural signature as sign of her resistance toward the standardization at the age of globalization. Exploring history , crossing space and relating time are the key words for a better understanding of the incoming show, composed of rich collection of artiste's paintings, photographies and installations.


Websites Artist : Li_Chevalier /


The events organised in the frame of the Commemoration France -China 50 : - France: the French Institute with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and Communication , the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of National Education , Ministry of Higher Education and Research , the Ministry of Sports , Youth , Popular Education and Community Life, and the Embassy of France in China. Commissioner General Mr Marc Piton / General Associate Commissioner : Catherine Ruggeri


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